
Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 9: Appreciation

My church life was almost nonexistent through a lot of previous years in my life.  I felt uncomfortable being around people I didn't know or didn't talk to - which is upsetting since that isn't the purpose of going to church.  There were a few specific periods in my life that I came to church more often. 

When I was little, I grew a special bond with one of our old pastors.  She was really child-oriented, so I would see her a lot whenever I was with the kids in the church.  Another possible connection to why I enjoyed her company so much was because she was the minister for my grandfathers funeral.  In case you didn't know him, my papa and I were best friends.  We shared more laughs and giggles than you could ever imagine - we made memories, we taught eachother life lessons, and he made an everlasting impact on my view on life.  When I was 12, he was diagnosed with cancer and died 2 weeks later - a shock to the entire family.  How does this connect, you might ask?  Our pastor had lost her grandma when she was young, so she knew how I felt.  This probably made the service even more meaningful, knowing that I should never feel alone.

When I was 12, I was shy, immature, and faced rough situations differently than I do now.  I didn't appreciate the little things that would make me smile.  Thinking back on it, I appreciated what our pastor had done for our family, and indirectly, to me. 

Since you know, I've recently decided to add all of my church members on facebook (the creeper that I am), I decided to add her.  I sent her a message telling her how much I appreciated everything she had done for me and my family.  Later on this evening, we got to talk and catch up on each other's lives.  The gift I gave let me receive one too!

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